In March 2022, tokotoko had the opportunity to visit M Sensei's home in Monterey, which has been a dream of tokotoko's for 30 years. It was like a dream come true for tokotoko to be able to see her 30 years after tokotoko had read an article about her in a newspaper when she came to the U.S. tokotoko had met her many times at tea ceremonies and workshops, but to be able to visit her home like this was the best day of my life.
M sensei and her husband came to the U.S. in 1961 and left traces of what they built here in the U.S., and the flowers are blooming here and there. tokotoko was also impressed by the fact that her husband said he didn't want to leave anything behind, which made tokotoko think that he was a very respectable person and Japanese himself!!
The tea ceremony room was a gift from her husband. She has expanded her career as a tea ceremony teacher from her life of working at nursery all the time. I heard that one of her students' husbands told her that when she goes to tea lessons, she comes back as "Good Wives". That is a very nice thing to hear !!
There is an eight-mat room, a four-and-a-half-mat tea room, Mizuya room and Ryurei style room along with the pond. The garden is designed by a landscape architect who designed the garden of Ise Jingu Shrine of Japan, and all of the magnificent Kitayama cedars, stone lanterns and big stones are from Japan. Please take a look at its well-maintained appearance. Japanese Garden and tea rooms.
She saw us off for as long as she could, until she could no longer see us. It reminded me of my mother. It was a good day. Thank you for everything.